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Gave freezes when attempting to save a bibite

you must first select a path.  then name then save.  it's a bug

My one is getting stuck at the loading screen, the bar just sits at 50%

Same with me


Same here, but I fixed it by right-clicking the application -> Show Package Contents -> Contents -> MacOS and then running the executable file directly

(MacOS 12.3.1)

THANKS, worked for me!

Thanks a lot! It even worked for my Mac w/ Catalina 10.15.7 :D

mine too

Run as Admin

(1 edit) (+3)

I tries running the The Bibites.x86_64 file but all i get is the unity splash screen and then a blue empty screen.


me to

This has been an ongoing issue for months at the very least. I’m trying to get Proton to run it somehow but the binary appears to simply refuse to launch when I try it - but someone on Reddit had better luck than me.

try run as admin

I assume you mean as sudo?

Nope, doesnt work.

I started a simulation and i let it run for 2 hours, then i pressed the save icon in the bottom left corner, i saved the file in a folder of my computer but i can't find how to load it back

There's another button right next to the save game button on the bottom left that allows you to load a save file

please add languages like portuguese (pt br) [i am brazilian]
(1 edit) (+2)

There are a lot of people who want to have options to do things like: add / remove plants or the option to control bibites but quite against the idea. I believe you need to see how the beautiful world of bibites develops on its own and without the player help, because it is not "true natural selection" and will not lead to smarter and better bibites and more interesting simulations.


The suggestions make that the player's choice. Natural selection would not be rendered impossible, simply optional.


I think that what is beautiful about this simulation is that it works on its own. Its not a game about creating ALife creatures, its about seeing a life (or  ALife to be more specific) growing, evolving and getting more and more complex. And I think that saving that from the player choice will be the best.

Oh, bye the way rendering a natural selection its really is (at lest compere to other amazing thinks that the developer made in this amazing project) @MIvluu if you don't believe me you can see his videos about it I'm highly recommend


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The availability of the suggested tools would increase the enjoyment of those who suggest them, but players would not be deprived of the choice to observe natural selection if they so wished. The inclusion of the tools would only be a benefit of extra freedom.

I have already watched the videos, for such are what drew me to this project.


Issue on Mac: It loads the Made with Unity screen, and then it stays in a blue background and nothing else happens


I'm pretty sure you made 0.4.1 to fix the 50% issue but its still getting frozen at 50% loading :(


The issue on Mac is due to the fact that I can't afford the price of purchasing the official Apple Developper Account, so it won't recognize the program as trustworthy. As a result, the program fails when it tries to access the files it needs on the disk.

 You have to manually give permissions to the program. I remember people that figured out how to do it, but I can't remember since I don't have a mac and have never done it myself.


I have memorized that step in downloading software. I've done that. The problem is that the loading bar inside the application gets stuck at 50%. Everyone is having this issue  its not just mac (Atleast thats what I've seen from reading the most recent comments) also, I like your new pfp. :)

Did u ever figure out how to fix that issue?

No, I did not sadly.

I fixed this by right-clicking the application -> Show Package Contents -> Contents -> MacOS and then running the executable file directly

(MacOS 12.3.1)

Run as admin


Sadly seams freeze on Ubuntu 20 while loading, only shows a blue screen, outputs nothing to the console, and outputs nothing to the log other than what I always see in unity games. The splash screen however does show, hope this gets fixed and looking forward to you're next video.

(1 edit) (+2)

Having the same issue here on Manjaro Linux. This issue existed in version 0.3.0 as well, but it showed a grey screen instead. Someone suggested that the issue was an improperly positioned camera in Unity, but I’m not entirely sure. The developer said he was going to take a look at it back then though. So hopefully this will be fixed soon.


Having the same issue in Linux Mint 20.02. Version 0.4.1

using a Nvidia GPU, no clue if thats related or not but may be helpful?


Having the same issue on an AMD card so 

same issue

(12 edits) (+2)


  1. Dynamic parts (muscles, joints) such as appendages for diverse locomotion (undulation, jellyfish locomotion) and interaction with the environment (bringing food to the mouth, moving the mouth, attacking)
  2. Segmentation for the above and for reproduction by splitting or budding
  3. Fluid dynamics for plankton and 1
  4. The ability to spit stomach acid for attacks and external digestion
  5. A mechanic in which touching eggs become one with each gene randomly selected from the old eggs for sexual reproduction
  6. Injury for consumption of bibites without killing and thus parasitism
  7. Recognition of objects by color for camouflage
  8. Metamorphosis and other lifetime development
  9. Decomposers
  10. Poison/Venom/Toxins
  11. Waste excretion for plant consumption and 9
  12. Sessile bibites
  13. Torus-shaped universe for border continuity
  14. Zooming without the scroll wheel
  15. A sense of touch
(1 edit)

Not sure how #1 would be implemented - everything needs a gene attached to it and anything controllable needs output neurons, so if Bibites could gain and lose these dynamic parts there would need to be something in place to handle Bibites having different amounts of output neurons.

#13 could be implemented by splitting the map into quadrants - Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. Then, depending on what quadrant a Bibite is in and what border is being crossed, the Bibite could basically be teleported. Going off the east edge would put you on the west edge, and vice versa. Going off the north edge will put you back on the north edge but in the other direction, and same for the south edge.

I don’t quite understand what you mean with #5 - is this, like, egg merging?


Yes. Eggs merge and recombine.


Version 0.4.0 Mac doesn't work. it just loads to 50% and then stops. I left the program running for ~2 hours and when I got back, still on 50%.


Fixed this by running the executable file directly

Right-click the application -> Show Package Contents -> Contents -> MacOS

WOAH! Cool! Thank you!


8 hours into the simulation the whole population had a simple yet bloody effective behavior: the more energy they have the more they turn essentially making spirals and when they have no energy left they move in straight lines.

I'm not sure why it's so beneficial but I've got some theories:

- The bibites were very aggressive and had a strength of 10 (twice as much as the starting value) so most of the time if they stayed close they would kill their offspring, With this behavior, once they give birth they tend to go away

-They had become very herbivorous and because of the patch-like distribution of plants if they found some food then there's probably some nearby.
keep in mind this allowed them to exceed 400 bibites, resulting in a massive drop in plants which regulated the population, also turning ONLY depended on energy and nothing else.

pretty cool!

Does the timer change how they will evolve?

how does the brain n1 s1 stuff work


  I've done about 5 simulations now, two of them being at 100k simulation hours. Some of the behaviour I've seen has straight up astonished me and I think I have a few ways to spice things up even more. I'm going to try to list these suggestions from probably easiest to probably most difficult to program. Bear with me, I don't have programming experience:

  1. The ability to add and subtract food. I think this would do wonders in creating environmental pressures so that my bibites don't get too comfortable and are forced to evolve.
  2. The ability to add and subtract walls. They've gotten so amazing at finding food that they've started to last over 3000 seconds and I can't help but wonder if they could solve mazes and puzzles.
  3. Hot/Cold environments. Think the wall would be easier though this would still make for some interesting selective pressures. Like the walls and the food it would be neat to be able to vary it up at will or at random.
  4. The ability to fuse with and/or connect to other Bibites. This one came to me in a dream as I pictured these guys being able to form these long, colourful chains. But they don't necessarily have to connect front to back if it's possible to connect them in other ways. But regardless of what happens it would be absolutely cool if they could mix their genes.
  5. The ability to evolve new inputs. I'm not sure if this one is possible or if it would even be practical but as someone who studies taxonomy it's amazing to see how creatures repurpose the sensory organs of their ancestors.

I've been playing with this giddily and have very much enjoyed it so far. I tend to leave it running while I'm away or asleep and it's become an exciting thing to return/wake up and see how my Bibites are doing.

Am programmer (but I don’t work on The Bibites) and you’ve got a decent idea of how easy these things would be to program relative to each other. I’ll just give my notes on the first three suggestions though, to make sure this isn’t too long.

Adding a tool that lets you click on food to remove it, or click on the floor to add food, would be extremely easy. Would probably just involve adding a button to the GUI (and/or a keybind) which causes the mouse to delete any food objects if present, or create food if not present.

Walls would be a bit more complicated than that, but only a bit - adding a tool that lets you click on one point, then on another, and create a wall. If you wanted to make it really flexible, you could have it accept any arbitrary amount of points so long as there are at least two. You would then have code to create an object between each pair of points that collides with Bibites and prevents plant spawning.

Temperature would likely require implementing a procedural map generator, since right now the map is basically the same each generation save for randomized plant spawning.

lots of fun.  It would be nice to be able to change the starting values without restarting the sim.   forgive me if you can do that and i have fewer N than a Bit.  :)       I had a problem with entity count going up and up and my fps  tanking.

UMM EVERYTHING IS GRAY after loading mac os 10.13.6

2.5 GHz Intel Core i5

10 GB 1333 MHz DDR3

AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB

(21.5-inch, Mid 2011)

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok,so its what with a broken camera,ie you didnot have or tag your main camera with maincaera tag v1.3 is affected

I'll have a look at that, Thanks!

Experiencing the same issue on Linux here.


i found your channel and the project today.i basically was just looking thru my reccomended and i saw one of your videos come up and i am now intrested in this.


Hello. Found your channel and this project recently, while exploring videos about artificial life simulation (such as similar project "The Life Engine"). 

Have to say that Bibites look cool already, even in its early stage of development. I really like the direction of this project and wish you good luck on the further developing! Also saw the video about procedural sprites - its great idea, and would defiinitely add more variety to the visual representation of bibites. Hope everything goes well with creating it.

Also do you plan on using some kind of music and sounds to the game in the future as well? If so, i would be happy to make some music for you (also sounds as well if needed) - if youre interested. I think some mysterious, but calm ambient soundtrack could bring even more life to the project. You can find my youtube channel on my profile page, if you would want to check my creations. Also you can contact me on discord: nheve#2657


Thanks a lot! We could sure talk about that!

Thanks for the response! Sounds cool then. Feel free to message me on discord, whenever it will be possible to you, so we'll be able to talk about music in more details - like what kind of atmosphere you would imagine for the soundtrack, or its style (more realistic? or maybe more lofi like?), etc.

Take care, and hope you will have some nice day there!

I left the simulation on for a while, it says 12 hrs, but I don't see any herding even though the creatures are very complex. Is it because they don't think they need it. Also, I want to keep the creatures, but change the environment, is there any way to do that?

I wasn't able to run the game on an Ubuntu PC. Most of the time it just shows me an endless gray screen after the unity logo. One time I was able to see the main menu, but when I clicked the start button,  I saw the black screen. I've made like 10 tries to run the game, but none was successful. The console output is non-informative, also I could not see any log files to provide. My config is: PopOS, i5 2400, r9 280x, ssd

Thanks! I'll be looking into it! 

From Solus here and can confirm the same grey screen bug. Tried it on a laptop, Solus (linux kernel 5.14), i5 9300H, Nvidia 1650 GTX (with nvidia driver), on an SSD.

Same issues on my PC: Ryzen 5 3500, GTX 1650, Xubuntu 18.04 LTS (kernel 5.4.0), on a HDD

Ive got the same issue


This is a fantastic simulation!

With my first run, the Bibites and a viral strain seem to have evolved a host-parasite relationship. The Bibites neural map is now set up to repress their immune system if infected and other Bibites are nearby. Likewise, the viral strain has evolved to be harmless to the Bibites, as the only thing it does is weaken their immune system further.

I guess the evolutionary benefit here is that, with every Bibite infected by the harmless virus, other more harmful viral strains do not have any room left to infect the remaining Bibites. In turn, the virus is guaranteed to live on through the Bibites' offspring.

Deleted 2 years ago

I got the game and my bibites did the same thing, small immune cost for a non health damaging virus that is slowly becoming more and more present in each birth of the very successful bibites. Seems like its just a common thing to happen with how bibites work. 

(1 edit)

my bibites virus replication rate is increasing as more generations of creatures are born. Pretty sure this was an attempt to lie dormant so it could evolve and kill my creatures later. The first mutated strain with damage has attacked my species.

This is great! i think to make it better you could do things like logs for them to manipulate to build houses. also, can they see eachother's and their color? that could be useful when building parenting strategies.

Yep! They perceive eachother's color!



First would like to say I love your game. Started developing games on my own a few years ago and got heavily into IOS development, while trying to focus on procedural generation. Recently I switched into now looking into AI systems and neural networks, which is when I ran across you project on YouTube. 

I would like to create a discord to talk with anybody working on projects using NEAT, or anybody willing to give some help in creating these neural networks. Here is the link:

Feel Free to join :)

Thanks for creating this project and the videos on it, I've gotten into coding neural networks thanks to it and i just thought id say thanks !

My first attempt at evolutionary neural networks was my own version of your bibites sim in unity. its not as complex or refined as yours though :)

Awesome to hear !

Thanks for your kind comments and good luck on what you're doing next !

plz add it to chrome already!!

soooooo when is the chrome version coming out?

(1 edit)
the result of my simulation. I can no longer watch bibits statistics, so I turn it off xd

Hi Sir.... would love to run the Mac version but it seems to not be openable.... is there a fix planned? Thank you for this endeavor!

I'll investigate :)

any luck?

Many others have reported the Mac version working, so I would need to have more information to help you (and more knowledge of how mac works ahah)

unzip the downloaded file on a windows machine to a USB drive and open it on your Mac.

um... how would that solve the issue?

Mac has a problem unzipping this in the correct way. Windows doesn't. Just try it. It worked for me.

When are we going to get v1.3? 

It's hard to say considering that it's very dependent on how much my collaborators help. If I was by myself, at least a few months, so less then that as I have some help :) 

Okay, thx for ur reply! :)


on mac after unziping 1.2 and double clicking 'The Bibites v1.2 Mac' in finder I get ''The Application "The Bibites v1.2 Mac Demo" can not be opened'.

Am I doing something wrong?


The same here. Is this app 32 bit? If yes, Catalina will not open it.

unzip the downloaded file on a windows machine to a USB drive and open it on your Mac.



It'd be really nice to be able to save a game for:
1. Start it again later.
2. have graphs / information (number of bibites, speed, size, etc.)
3) Be able to replay, jump in time and speed up time like a video but you could move around.
That way we could better analyze what would have happened.

Do you plan on making the remainders of the dead rot? I think this would be a good addition to the game.

that's already the case :o

After 50 seconds the meat will rot and be recycled as biomass 

I think he mean something like meat can rot in a way that when bibite eats it it can have negative consequences.

Yeah. That would be interesting if the bibites somehow developed a mind to steer away from the rotten foods.

And maybe, after the stage of rotting, it can become biomass, just like you said.


Here is the result of my simulation, I had to stop at this point.

Could you also explain what the 'wow' factor is based on?


Could you add a save button for bibbites? I have a 501th gen bibbite who is doing really well. Could you also add a home button, I was following a bitbbite an then he decided to take off...


Yeah, Actively working toward both these features


oh and one more thing. add a world border. maybe make it to where it telloperts the bibit to the other side of the map


hey I just discovered this channel by accident and I love it soooo much and I want to play it really bad but I have a crome book so can you please make it so it can work on the crome book thank you 

ps if this game gets more advance I got an idea. what if you add stiffness flexibility dinceady and softness and maybe even muscles and tendons as well, inside an individual bibites flesh and body in sertent parts. and this might form exoskeletons or bone and beaks or something at random. ex  a hard part of the bibits body (in this case its mouth)evolved to be harder at random and (with or without if there will be muscles ) muscles will open and close at different power (depending on how strong the muscle is) and this can help the bibit as a naturally generated beak

pps love your work :)

Yeah, I have a Chromebook also. That's why I made my own thing :)

It's not as good at all though

Yes, trulely evolving bibits, not just procedural sprites! Are we simulating an environment or not?! 

Although that would consume a massive amount of cpu usage, I think this is definitely a must try. 

(1 edit) (+1)

is it possible to save a creature? I see hotmailcompany52 below has a neat bibite that lived for a long time. I would love to be able to copy that and plunk a few of those down in my world and see how they fair.

*insert epic battle music while bibits fight*

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